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Thought you had so many lessons to learn

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Thought you had so many lessons to learn Empty Thought you had so many lessons to learn

Message  churchvl125 Mar 5 Juil - 16:09

You should be stronger than me
You been here 7 years longer than me
Do you know you supposed to be the man,
Not pal in comparison to who you think I am,
You always wanna talk it through - I dont care!
I always have to comfort you when I m there
But that s what I need you to do - stroke my hair!
Cos I ve forgotten all of young loves joy,
Feel like a lady, but you my lady boy,
You should be stronger than me,
But instead youre longer than frozen turkey,
Why d you always put me in control?
All I need is for my man to live up to his role,
Always wanna talk it through - Im ok,
Always have to comfort you every day,
But thats what I need you to do - are you gay?
Ive forgotten all of young loves joy
Feel like a lady, but you my lady boy
He said the respect I made you earn
Thought you had so many lessons to learn
I said You dont know what love is - get a grip!
Sounds as if youre reading from some other tired script
Im not gonna meet your mother anytime
I just wanna rip your body over mine
So tell me why you think thats a crime
Ive forgotten all of young loves joy
Feel like a lady, but you my lady boy


Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2011

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